The pressure caused by a liquid has the following characteristics:
- Pressure in liquid does not depends on
- the shape of the container.

- the size of the container.

- the area of its surface.

Pressure increases with depth
- The deeper the liquid, the faster the liquid spurts out.
- In conclusion, the pressure in a liquid increases with depth.
Pressure depends on the vertical depth, but not the length of liquid column.
Pressure at A = Pressure at B
All points at the same level in a liquid are at the same pressure
The level of the surface of a liquid in a container is always the same because for a given liquid, the pressure is always equal at the same level.
Pressure does not depend on the surface area of the object.
Pressure exerted on the small fish
= Pressure exerted on the big fish
Pressure acts in all direction
The pressure at any point of a liquid acts equally in all direction.