07 Rate of Reaction
08 Manufacture Substances in Industries
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7.2.1 Factors Affecting the Rate of Reaction

There are 4 factors that can affect the rate of a reaction, namely
  1. the total surface area of the reactant (solid only)
  2. the concentration of the reactant (solution only)
  3. the temperature of the reactant
  4. presense of catalyst in the reactant
  5. the pressure of the reactant (gas only)

Total Surface Area

  1. For same amount of reactant, particles with smaller size has bigger total surface area
  2. The bigger the total surface area, the higher the rate of reaction

Concentration of Solution

The higher the concentration, the higher the rate of reaction.


The higher the temperature, the higher the rate of reaction.


Positive catalyst – Increase the rate of reaction.
Negative catalyst – Reduce the rate of reaction.


  1. Only affect the reaction involve gas as reactant.
  2. The higher the pressure, the higher the rate of reaction