01 Measurement
02 Force and Motion 1
03 Gravitation
04 Heat
05 Waves
06 Light and Optics
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5.4.1 Speed of Waves

Speed of Water Waves

  1. When straight waves pass from deep to shallow water, their
    1. wave-length becomes shorter
    2. speed decreases
    3. frequency remain unchanged
  2. This can be illustrated by placing a piece of rectangular Perspex of suitable thickness in the tank to reduce the local water depth.
  3. The figure below shows the wavefront diagram of the wave formed.
  4. We can see that the wavelength above the Perspex is shallower. 
  5. The relationship between the speed and wavelength of the wave in the deep and shallow region is given by the formula below.
    vd = speed of wave in the deep region
    λd = speed of wave in the deep region
    vs = speed of wave in the shallow region
    λs = speed of wave in the shallow region