
Water Purification and Water Supply

1. Importance of Clean Water

  1. Essential for Health: Clean water is necessary for human well-being and daily activities.
  2. Purification Purpose: Removes impurities, microorganisms, odors, tastes, and colors to make water safe.
  3. Natural Contaminants: Water from natural sources often contains harmful substances that require treatment.

2. Methods of Water Purification


  1. Removes Large Particles: Eliminates debris and suspended solids.
  2. Limitations: Cannot remove microorganisms, dissolved substances, or fine particles.
  3. Sand Filtration: Helps remove smaller suspended materials.

2.2 Boiling

  1. Kills Microorganisms: Heating water to 100°C eliminates bacteria and viruses.
  2. Limitations: Does not remove dissolved substances or solid impurities.

2.3 Chlorination

  1. Kills Microorganisms: Chlorine is added to disinfect water.
  2. Application: Commonly used in liquid form.
  3. Limitations: Does not remove dissolved or suspended substances; excessive chlorine may cause an unpleasant odor and health risks.

2.4 Distillation

  1. Produces Pure Water: Removes all suspended and dissolved substances along with microorganisms.
  2. Process: Boiling water and condensing the steam for collection.
  3. Limitations: Lacks essential minerals, making it less ideal for drinking.

3. Water Supply System

  1. Water Sources: Rivers, streams, and reservoirs provide raw water.
  2. Treatment Process: Water is purified before distribution.
  3. Distribution Network: Clean water is supplied through pipelines.

3.1 Main Components

  1. Dams: Store and regulate water resources.
  2. Treatment Plants: Purify water before distribution.
  3. Pipe Network: Delivers clean water to consumers.

4. Stages in Water Treatment

4.1 Screening/Filtration

  1. Removes Debris: Eliminates large particles like leaves and branches.

4.2 Oxidation

  1. Enhances Quality: Introduces oxygen to eliminate odors and improve taste.

4.3 Coagulation

  1. Particle Removal: Alum clumps suspended particles for easier removal.
  2. Acidity Control: Lime neutralizes excess acidity caused by alum.

4.4 Sedimentation

  1. Settling Process: Clumped particles settle at the bottom and are removed.

4.5 Sand Filtration

  1. Fine Particle Removal: Water passes through sand layers to filter out remaining impurities.

4.6 Chlorination

  1. Disinfection: Chlorine is added to kill any remaining microorganisms.

4.7 Fluoridation

  1. Dental Health: Fluoride is introduced to prevent tooth decay.

4.8 Storage

  1. Final Step: Treated water is stored in tanks before distribution.

5. Alternative Water Sources

5.1 Water Recycling

  1. Reuses Wastewater: Treats wastewater for domestic, industrial, and drinking purposes.
  2. Treatment Stages: Primary (physical), secondary (biological), and tertiary (chemical).

5.2 Fog Collection

  1. Captures Water from Fog: Uses polypropylene nets to collect water droplets for use.

5.3 Desalination

  1. Removes Salt from Seawater: Uses reverse osmosis and semi-permeable membranes to produce freshwater.

6. Water Sustainability

6.1 Water Pollution

  1. Causes: Domestic waste, agriculture, industrial discharge, and urban development.
  2. Pollutants: Includes silt, pesticides, fertilizers, oil spills, radioactive waste, and heavy metals like mercury.
  3. Effects: Leads to algal blooms, marine life damage, disease outbreaks, and contamination risks.

6.2 Protecting Water Sources

  1. Public Education: Raise awareness about pollution prevention.
  2. Improved Infrastructure: Upgrade sewage systems and sanitation facilities.
  3. Agricultural Practices: Promote biodegradable fertilizers and pesticides.
  4. Regulations: Enforce industrial waste treatment before disposal.

6.3 Individual Water Conservation

  1. Reduce Water Use: Take showers instead of baths and turn off taps while brushing.
  2. Efficient Washing: Use basins for dishwashing and buckets for car cleaning.
  3. Optimized Laundry: Run washing machines with full loads.
  4. Rainwater Collection: Store rainwater for gardening and other non-drinking uses.
  5. Fix Leaks Promptly: Prevent water wastage by repairing pipes.

Song He Spelling (2nd March 2025)


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