SPM Form 5 Chemistry Chapter 3 – Oxidation and Reduction

Graph of Product/Reactant Change Against Time

Graph of Product/Reactant Change Against Time

  1. In a chemical reaction,
    1. the reactants will decrease over time
    2. the product will increase over time.
  2. the rate of reaction will decrease over time owing to the decrease in concentration and total surface area of reactants.
  3. In a graph of quantity of product/reactant over time, the rate of reaction is equal to the gradient of the graph.

The reaction between dilute hydrochloric acid and excess marble will produce calcium chloride and gas of carbon dioxide. Sketch the graph of

  1. the mass of the marble against time.
  2. the volume of carbon dioxide against time.
  3. the concentration of hydrochloric acid against time.
  4. the concentration of calcium chloride against time.





Finding Average Rate of Reaction

Finding Average Rate of Reaction

Rate of reaction is a measure of how fast a reaction occur, or how much the reactant/product change in a period of time.
Rates of reaction = Quantity change of reactants/products Total time for the reaction

In a chemical reaction, 2.5g of calcium carbonate react completely with excess hydrochloric acid to produce 600cm³ of carbon dioxide gas in 1.5 minutes. Find the rate of reaction in term of
a. decreasing mass of calcium carbonate
b. increasing volume of carbon dioxide gas produced

Change of the amount of reactant=-2.5g Tima taken for the change=1.5minute=90s Rate of Reaction = -2.5g / 90s = 0.027gs-1

Change of the amount of product
=600cm3 Tima taken for the change
= 1.5minute = 90s

Rate of Reaction
= 600cm3/90s

Understanding Rate of Reaction

  1. Rate of reaction is defined as the change in the amount of reactants or products per unit time.
  2. It is a measure of how fast a reaction occurs.
    1. Fast Reaction = Rate of reaction is high.
    2. Slow Reaction = Rate of reaction is low
  3. A fast reaction taken shorter time for the reaction to complete.
Example of fast reaction
Type of Reaction Example
Combustion Combustion of magnesium in oxygen \[2Mg + {O_2} \to 2MgO\] Combustion of ethane (C2H6) \[{C_2}{H_6} + \frac{7}{2}{O_2} \to 2C{O_2} + 3{H_2}O\]
Reaction between reactive metal and water Reaction between potassium and water \[2K + 2{H_2}O \to 2KOH + {H_2}\]
Reaction between metal carbonate and acid Reaction between limestone/ marble and sulphuric acid \[\begin{gathered} CaC{O_3} + {H_2}S{O_4} \hfill \\ \to CaS{O_4} + C{O_2} + {H_2}O \hfill \\ \end{gathered} \]
Ionic precipitation (Double decomposition) Precipitation of silver(I) chloride \[AgN{O_3} + HCl \to AgCl + HN{O_3}\]
Example of slow reaction
Type of Reaction Example
Photosynthesis \[6C{O_2} + 6{H_2}O \to {C_6}{H_{12}}{O_6} + 6{O_2}\]
Rusting \[4Fe + 3{O_2} + 2{H_2}O \to 2F{e_2}{O_3} \bullet 2{H_2}O\]
Fermentation \[{C_6}{H_{12}}{O_6} \to 2{C_2}{H_5}OH + 2C{O_2}\]

SPM Form 5 Chemistry Chapter 1 – Rate of Reaction

Ostwald Process

Ostwald Process


  1. Industrially, nitric acid is made by the catalytic oxidation of ammonia over heated platinum. 
  2. Oxidising ammonia produces oxides of nitrogen which can then be dissolved in water to produce nitric acid.


  1. Initially, nitrogen(II) oxide will be formed from the catalytic oxidation of ammonia using the transition metal platinum.
    Ammonia + Oxygen → Nitrogen(II) Oxide + Steam
    4NH3 (g) + 5O2 (g) → 4NO (g) + 6H2O (g)
  2. The nitrogen(II) oxide is rapidly cooled before combining with oxygen (from the excess air) to form nitrogen(IV) oxide.
    2NO (g) + O2 (g) → 2NO2 (g)
  3. The nitrogen(IV) oxide, mixed with excess air, is then allowed to react with water to form nitric acid.
    Nitrogen(IV) Oxide + Oxygen (air) + Water → Nitric acid
    4NO2 (g) + O2 (g) + 2H2O (1) → HNO3 (aq)

Uses of Nitric Acid

  1. Most of the nitric acid made is used to make the all-important fertilisers, such as ammonium nitrate.
  2. Other uses of the nitric acid include making explosive, like nitroglycerine, or TNT (trinitrotoluene), and making dyes. Modern dyes are azo dyes, which can be formed by the reduction of various nitro-compounds.

Characteristics of Ammonia

Characteristics of Ammonia

  1. Ammonia gas can turn a moist red litmus paper to blue.
  2. As an alkali, ammonia can react with acid to form salt and water.
    H2SO4(aq) + 2NH3(aq) → (NH4)2SO4(aq)
    HNO3(aq) + NH3(aq) → NH4NO3(aq)
    H3PO4(aq) + 3NH3(aq) → (NH4)3PO4(aq)
  3. Ammonia dissolve into water to form ammonium and hydroxide ion.
    NH3 + H2O→ NH4+ + OH
  4. The hydroxide ion can react with many kinds of positive ion to form precipitate.
    Mg2+ + 2OH → Mg(OH)2
    Fe2+ + 2OH → Fe(OH)2
    Al3+ + 3OH → Al(OH)2

Testing for Ammonia

  1. Ammonia is the only common alkaline gas so it can be identified with moist red litmus paper turning blue.
  2. Concentrated ammonia when reacts with concentrated hydrochloric acid produces white fume.
    Ammonia gas + Hydrogen chloride gas → ammonium chloride
    NH3 (g) + HC1 (g) → NH4C1

Haber Process

Haber Process

  1. Ammonia is manufactured in industries through Haber Process.
  2. In the Haber process, nitrogen gas, N2 from the air is mixed with hydrogen gas, H2 derived mainly from natural gas.
  3. The mixture is compressed to a high pressure of 200 atmospheres at a temperature of about 450°C.
  4. Iron is used as a catalyst to speed up the rate of reaction.
  5. Chemical equation below shows the reaction.
    N2 (g) + 3H2 (g)  2NH3 (g)
  6. About 98% of mixture are converted into ammonia, NH3.
  7. The unreacted nitrogen gas, N2 and hydrogen gas, H2 is recycled and passed back into the reactor together with the new source of nitrogen gas, N, and hydrogen gas, H2.



  1. Ammonia is a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen with the formula NH3.
  2. It is a colourless gas with a characteristic pungent smell.
  3. Ammonia is an essential compound in industry.
  4. Although in extensive use, ammonia is both corrosive and hazardous.

Uses of Ammonia

  1. The uses of ammonia include
    1. manufacturing nitrogenous fertilisers
    2. as a cooling agent in refrigerator
    3. to prevent coagulation of latex
    4. as raw material to manufacture nitric acid (Ostwald process)
    5. to make explosive
    6. as cleaning agent to remove grease

(Click on the image to enlarge)

Environmental and Health Issues of Sulphur Dioxide

Environmental and Health Issues of Sulphur Dioxide

Sulphur dioxide, SO2 is one of the by-products of the Contact Process. It is one of the sources of environmental pollution.

Acid Rain

  1. Sulphur dioxide (SO2) is the pollutant primarily associated with acid rain.
  2. Acid rain occurs when pH of the rain is between 2.4 and 5.0. This is due to the reaction of sulphur dioxide, SO2 with rainwater.
    SO2 + H2O→ H2SO3
  3. The negative effect of acid rains includes
    1. corrosion of concrete building and metal structure.
    2. corrosion of monuments and statues made from marble
    3. causes erosion of top soil.
    4. killing aquatic life.

Health Effects

  1. SO2 is an irritant when it is inhaled and at high concentrations may cause severe problems in asthmatics such as narrowing of the airways, known as bronchoconstriction.
  2. Asthmatics are considerably more sensitive to the effects of SO2 than other individuals.

Sources of SO2

  1. The principal source of SO2 is from the combustion of fossil fuels in domestic premises and, more importantly, non-nuclear power stations.
  2. Other industrial processes such as manufacturing of sulphuric acid also contribute to the presence of SO2 in the air.