Hukum Kegravitian Semesta Newton

Hukum Kegravitian Semesta Newton

Daya Graviti Antara Dua Jasad dalam Alam Semesta

  1. Daya graviti ialah daya tarikan yang wujud di antara semua objek di alam semesta.
  2. Rajah di atas menunjukkan dua objek berjisim \(m_{1}\) dan \(m_{2}\). Jarak pemisahan antara dua objek itu ialah \(r .\) dan daya graviti yang bertindak antara dua objek ditanda\(F\).
  3. Menurut Hukum Kegravitian Semesta Newton, daya graviti, \(F\) antara dua objek itu adalah berkadar terus dengan hasil darab jisim kedua-dua objek. Iaitu
    F \propto m_{1} \times m_{2} \ldots \ldots \ldots \text { (1) }
  4. Daya graviti, \(F\) ini juga berkadar songsang dengan kuasa dua jarak antara pusat objekobjek tersebut.
    F \propto \frac{1}{r^{2}} \ldots \ldots \ldots \text { (2) }
  5. Menggabungkan (1) dan (2), kita akan dapati bahawa
    F \propto \frac{m_{1} \times m_{2}}{r^{2}}
    F=G \frac{m_{1} \times m_{2}}{r^{2}}
    di mana \(G=\) pemalar kegravitian semesta
    =6.67 \times 10^{-11} Nm ^{2} kg ^{-2}
  6. Formula ini merupakan formula bagi Hukum Kegravitian Semesta Newton.


Certainly! Here are the modified questions with the updated answer formatting:

a. Factorise \(a^2 + 4a\)

\(a(a + 4)\)

b. Factorise \(3x + 4x^2\)
\(x(4x + 3)\)

c. Factorise \(4x^2 – x\)
\(x(4x – 1)\)

d. Factorise \(7x – 3x^2\)
\(x(7 – 3x)\)

e. Factorise \(2x^2 + 4x\)
\(2x(x + 2)\)

f. Factorise \(6x – 3x^2\)
\(-3x(x – 2)\)

g. Factorise \(12x + 16x^3\)
\(4x(3 + 4x^2)\)

h. Factorise \(25x^2 – 15x^3\)
\(5x^2(5 – 3x)\)

i. Factorise \(30x^3 + 10x^2\)
\(10x^2(3x + 1)\)

j. Factorise \(80y^3 – 30y^2\)
\(10y^2(8y – 3)\)

k. Factorise \(12x + 15x^2 – 18x^3\)
\(-3x(6x^2 – 5x – 4)\)

l. Factorise \(4a^3 – 6a + 8a^2\)
No further factorization possible.

Sure! Here are 10 similar questions with their corresponding factorizations:

1. Factorise \(a + hx = 2a\)

\(x = a/(2-a/h)\)

2. Factorise \(mx – b = b\)
\(x = 2b/m\)

3. Factorise \(kx + ab = cd\)
\(x = (cd – ab)/k\)

4. Factorise \(a(x – b) = c\)
\(x = (c + ab)/a\)

5. Factorise \(c(x – d) = e\)
\(x = (e + cd)/c\)

6. Factorise \(m(x + m) = n^2\)
\(x = (n^2 – m^2)/m\)

7. Factorise \(k(x – a) = t\)
\(x = t/k + a\)

8. Factorise \(h(x – h) = k\)
\(x = k/h + h\)

9. Factorise \(m(x + b) = n\)
\(x = n/m – b\)

10. Factorise \(a(x – a) = a^2\)
\(x = 2a\)

Note: Some of the equations may have constraints or restrictions on the values of variables.