Mind Map – Introduction to Physics

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Introduction to Physics is the first chapter in Malaysia Form 4 Physics. Image above shows the mind map of this chapter. As you can see, there are 4 main sub-topics in this chapter. Out of the 4 sub-topics, measuring instruments is the most important. Make sure that you know how to take reading from all the instruments.

The following is the list of topic in this chapter.

  1. Physical Quantity
    1. Scientific Notation
    2. Prefixes
    3. Classification
      1. Base quantities
      2. Derived quantities
      3. Scalar quantities
      4. Vector quantities
  2. Measurement
    1. Error
      1. Systematic
        1. Zero error
        2. Sources
        3. reduce ?
      2. Random
        1. Parallax error
        2. Sources
        3. Reduce ?
    2. Accuracy
      1. Relative Error
      2. Increase ?
    3. Consistency
      1. Relative deviation
      2. Increase ?
    4. Sensitivity
  3. Measuring Instrument
    1. Vernier Caliper
    2. Micrometer
    3. Stopwatch
    4. Thermometer
    5. Ammeter
    6. Voltmeter
  4. Scientific Investigation
    1. Steps
    2. Tabulating Data
    3. Graph
      1. 1. Analysing
      2. 2. Drawing
        1. 1. Axis
        2. 2. Scale
        3. 3. Plotting
        4. 4. Graph line

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