Mind Map – Introduction to Physics

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Introduction to Physics is the first chapter in Malaysia Form 4 Physics. Image above shows the mind map of this chapter. As you can see, there are 4 main sub-topics in this chapter. Out of the 4 sub-topics, measuring instruments is the most important. Make sure that you know how to take reading from all the instruments.

The following is the list of topic in this chapter.

  1. Physical Quantity
    1. Scientific Notation
    2. Prefixes
    3. Classification
      1. Base quantities
      2. Derived quantities
      3. Scalar quantities
      4. Vector quantities
  2. Measurement
    1. Error
      1. Systematic
        1. Zero error
        2. Sources
        3. reduce ?
      2. Random
        1. Parallax error
        2. Sources
        3. Reduce ?
    2. Accuracy
      1. Relative Error
      2. Increase ?
    3. Consistency
      1. Relative deviation
      2. Increase ?
    4. Sensitivity
  3. Measuring Instrument
    1. Vernier Caliper
    2. Micrometer
    3. Stopwatch
    4. Thermometer
    5. Ammeter
    6. Voltmeter
  4. Scientific Investigation
    1. Steps
    2. Tabulating Data
    3. Graph
      1. 1. Analysing
      2. 2. Drawing
        1. 1. Axis
        2. 2. Scale
        3. 3. Plotting
        4. 4. Graph line

Mind Map – Force and Motion

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Force and motion is the second chapter in Malaysia Form 4 Physics. It is a very big chapter. Image above shows the mind map of this chapter. As you can see, there are 3 main sub-topics in this chapter. In “Study of Motion”, we discuss the motion in a straight line without considering the force. In the “Study of Force”, we discuss the motion under the effect of force or forces, and the most important concept that you need to know is Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion. Under “Work, Energy and Power”, you need to understand their definition and their relationship.

The following is the list of topic in this chapter.

  1. Study of Motion
    1. Definition and Formulae
    2. Ticker Tape
    3. Motion Graph
  2. Study of Force
    1. Inertia
    2. Momentum
    3. Effect of Force
    4. Impulse and Impulsive Force
    5. Safety Features in Vehicles
    6. Gravity
    7. Forces in Equilibrium
  3. Work, Energy and Power
    1. Work
    2. Energy
    3. Power
    4. Efficiency
    5. Elasticity

SPM Form 5 Physics Mind Map Formulae List – Chapter 5

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The image above shows the formulae that students need to know in Malaysia SPM Physics syllabus in Mind Map form. You may click on the image to enlarge it for a better view. You may also download and print it out for further reference.

Radioactivity is the last chapter of SPM Form 5 Physics. As you can see, not many formulae in this chapter. For the formula related to half life, usually it is not used to solve the problem because most of the calculation question can be solved by common sense.

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Mind Map – Force and Pressure

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Force and Pressure is the third chapter in Malaysia Form 4 Physics. Image above shows the mind map of this chapter. As you can see, there are 6 main sub-topics in this chapter. The first 3 discuss about the definition of pressure, the pressure in liquid and the pressure in gas, including the atmospheric pressure. For gas pressure, it’s important for you to understand how the manometer and simple barometer work.

The other 3 sub-topics are the Physics Laws that related to pressure. There are a lot of calculation questions related to the Pascal’s principle and Archimedes principle.

The following is the list of topic in this chapter.

  1. Pressure
    1. Formula of Pressure
    2. Unit of Pressure
    3. Applications of High and Low Pressure
  2. Liquid Pressure
    1. Formula of Liquid Pressure
    2. Characteristics of Liquid Pressure
    3. Applications of Liquid Pressure
  3. Gas Pressure
    1. Measuring Gas Pressure
      1. Manometer
      2. Bourdon Gauge
    2. Atmospheric Pressure
      1. Proof of Existence of Atmospheric Pressure
      2. Characteristic of Atmospheric Pressure
      3. Measuring Atmospheric Pressure
      4. Applications of Atmospheric Pressure
  4. Pascal’s Principle
  5. Archimedes Principle
  6. Bernoulli’s Principle

5 SPM Form 5 Physics Mind Map Formulae List – Chapter 4

Click on the image to enlarge.

The image above shows the formulae that students need to know in Malaysia SPM Physics syllabus in Mind Map form. You may click on the image to enlarge it for a better view. You may also download and print it out for further reference.

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Electronics is the 4th chapter of SPM Form 5 Physics. There is almost no calculation questions in this chapter. The question related to speed of electrons seldom come out in exam. The question related to transistor may come out occasionally in paper 2. In order to answer the question, you must understand the concept of potential divider.

Mind Map – Heat

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Hest is the forth chapter in Malaysia Form 4 Physics. Image above shows the mind map of this chapter. There are 4 main sub-topics in this chapter, namely the Thermal Equiliubrium, Specific Heat Capacity, Specific Latent Heat and Gas Laws. There are a lot of calculation questions in this chapter, especially under specific heat capacity, specific latent heat and gas laws.

The following is the list of topic in this chapter.

  1. Thermal Equilibrium
    1. Thermometer
      1. Calibration
      2. Compare
        1. Alcohol
        2. Mercury
      3. Sensitivity
    2. Examples
  2. Specific Heat Capacity
    1. Formulae
    2. Applications
    3. Natural Phenomena
  3. Specific Latent Heat
    1. Graph
    2. Formula
    3. Applications
  4. Gas Law
    1. Boyle’s law
    2. Charles’ law
    3. Pressure law
    4. Universal gas law

4 SPM Form 5 Physics Mind Map Formulae List – Chapter 3

Click on the image to enlarge.

The image above shows the formulae that students need to know in Malaysia SPM Physics syllabus in Mind Map form. You may click on the image to enlarge it for a better view. You may also download and print it out for further reference.

Electromagnetism if the third chapter in SPM Form 5 Physics. Not many calculation in this chapter. Most of the calculation questions are related to transformer. Questions related to the root mean square voltage and current rarely come out in exam.

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3 SPM Form 5 Physics Mind Map Formulae List – Chapter 2

Click on the image to enlarge.

The images above shows the formulae that students need to know in Malaysia SPM Physics syllabus in Mind Map form. You may click on the image to enlarge it for a better view. You may also download and print it out for further reference.

Electricity is the second chapter in SPM Form 5 Physics. There are a lot of formulae in this chapter, and most of them look similar. In order to answer the calculation questions, you must understand how the potential difference and current change in a circuit.

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Mind Map – Electricity

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Electricity is the second chapter in Malaysia Form 5 Physics. Image above shows the mind map of this chapter. There are 4 main sub-topics in this chapter, namely Fundamental of Electricity, Arrangement of Resistors, Circuit and Electrical/Energy/Power. Under Fundamental of Electricity, we discuss the meaning of current, potential difference and resistance and their relationship. Under Arrangement of Resistors, we discuss the formulae to find the resistance, current and potential difference. In Circuit, we learn how to find resistance, current and potential difference in a circuit. In Electrical Energy and Power, we discuss the meaning and formulae of electrical energy and power, including power rating and efficiency of electrical appliances.

The following is the list of topic in this chapter.

  1. Fundamental of Electricity
    1. Electrical Charge and Field
    2. Electric Current
    3. Potential Difference
    4. Resitance
  2. Arrangement of Resistors (Series and Parallel)
    1. Finding Resistance
    2. Finding Current
    3. Finding Potential Difference
  3. Circuit
    1. Series Circuit
    2. Parallel Circuit
    3. Conbine Circuit
  4. Electromotive Force and Internal Resistance
  5. Electrical Energy and Power
    1. Energy
    2. Power and Power Rating
    3. Efficiency

Mind Map – Electronics

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Electronics is the forth chapter in Malaysia Form 5 Physics. Image above shows the mind map of this chapter. There are 6 main sub-topics in this chapter. All are equally important.

The following is the list of topic in this chapter.

  1. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
    1. Cathode Ray
    2. The Structure of Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
    3. Using Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
  2. Semiconductor
    1. Pure an Impure Semiconductor
    2. Doping
  3. Diodes
    1. Forward Bias and Reverse Bias
    2. Diode as Rectifier
  4. Transistor
    1. The Structure of Transistor
    2. Transistor Circuit
    3. Applications of Transistor
  5. Integrated Circuit
  6. Logic Gate
    1. Symbol
    2. Truth Table
    3. Boolean Expression